The benefits of worker participation in health and safety
Partnering with a quality employment medical provider gives you and your people confidence in the process and outcomes.
Partnering with a quality employment medical provider gives you and your people confidence in the process and outcomes.
Worker participation is an important part of managing health and safety. Managers do not have the solutions to all health and safety problems, while workers and their representatives have the detailed knowledge and experience of how the job is done and how it affects them. Therefore workers and managers need to work together closely to find joint solutions to common problems.
The main benefits of worker participation in safety and health include:
For employers it is about obtaining help to identify the real problems and finding the right solutions and having a motivated workforce. For workers it is about preventing themselves from being harmed by their work. According to the law, workers must be informed, instructed, trained and consulted on health and safety. Full participation goes beyond consultation – workers and their representatives are also involved in making decisions.
Worker participation in safety and health is a simple two-way process where employers and their workers/ worker representatives:
Worker consultation is enshrined in health and safety law because of its importance in preventing risks and finding effective solutions. Workplaces in which employees actively contribute to health and safety often have a lower occupational risk level and accident rates.
The main reasons why workers should actively influence management decisions include:
Partnering with a quality employment medical provider gives you and your people confidence in the process and outcomes. Book an appointment online today, or contact us to discuss your individual needs.